ESG Inclusive Homes


National NDIS Registered SDA Provider: 4-JT3JRP9

Your Life, Your Dreams, Our Purpose

Our New innovative and inclusive approach to NDIS SDA developments will place the participant back at the heart of the design and construction of their home.

Why ESG Inclusive Homes

Founder Patrick Wilsmore, Sarah Thompson & their business partners believed they could make a difference in a world that was typically centered around bricks, mortar and a commercial return.....but they kept asking themselves how, what, where and when does the client fit into the model when it is meant to be their home!

What they found was that developers, property enthusiasts, real estate agents, builders and investors understood property development in a commercial sense but didn't understand disability housing developments or more importantly understand the client, their voice, their preferences or their dreams. None of this seemed to be taken into account, and clients for the most part were told where to live, when to live and here is your house that we designed and built with for you, without consulting you.

We as an organisation thought this has to change and thought about the motto; "not for me without me" and how to bring this to life through an authentic approach to co-design, empowerment and a supportive construction framework. The model we developed allowed for clients to have input into these bespoke home designs, make changes, be a part of the journey and begin to live the life they choose.

We offer two design models:

Freedom Home Concept Design - is a residential, villa and community style model designed to free people from having to be involved in any of the design, planning, construction or completion phases. This is an SDA showroom style model fit for purpose for all people's general interest, convenience and supports clients and families that would only like limited interaction with the homes design. This design model is available in a diverse range of generic colours, facades and residential designer home style models.

Inclusive Home Concept Design - is a residential, villa and community style model designed to be as inclusive and as innovative as people would like to participate in. We encourage people to be involved in any of the design, planning, construction or completion phases as well as making suggestions or changes to the floor plans to ensure they are completely comfortable with the design and layout of their new home. This is an SDA bespoke style model which is a collaborative and inclusive model that places the client and their family at the centre of building their dream home. We ensure that families and clients are supported and encouraged along the way to make informed decisions about their new home.

We endeavour to ensure that clients and families have the ability to incorporate technology and building innovations and preferred interior designs that they are interested in into their future home. This design model is available in a diverse range of generic and custom colours, facades and residential designer home style models.

Our Approach

We work with leading developers, investors and local community organisations to bring you innovative experience orientated home designs that cater for all your social and home and living needs. We empower you and work alongside you to ensure you are part of the design and construction phases right throughout the construction of your home.

Our Designs

Are built to SDA and National Construction Code standards, some with flexible SDA design categories and are tailored to your support and living needs. All our designs and developments meet the National Construction code and are backed by master builder industry standards. Each of our residences is independently endorsed/certified by a person with living experience to ensure the quality, sustainability and suitability of the development will meet the support needs of the NDIS participants.

We currently have independent certifiers with living experience for autism, dementia, sensory impairments and high nursing support needs. Once endorsed and certified to the independent standard they are given the independent seal of approval.

Living Experience Endorsed & Certified seal of approval.  Below

Our Competitive Advantage

Our Homes have 7 distinct development advantages over current SDA developments with a dedicated-on focus on experiencing social growth.


  • Our Aim is for each residence to have a location specific local Australian native tree planted in the backyard with a plaque which talks about the famous stories these trees feature in.
  • Our aim is for each resident to have their own bedroom feature wall designed for them in their favourite colour and or favourite characters, vehicles, celebrities, movie/cartoon images or pop culture theme.
  • Our aim is for each residence to have an Australian native garden combined with a sensory garden and a vegetable patch chosen by the residents.
  • Our aim for the front garden is to feature a bed of Sunflowers to support and raise awareness around the inspirational work that the Sunflower Hidden Disabilities Organisation does.
  • Our aim is to have a social entertaining outdoor space co-designed with the residents which features BBQ's, outdoor cooking facilities, games tables and outdoor recreation equipment.
  • Our aim is to have each of our residences independently endorsed/certified by a person with living experience to the quality and suitability of the development for NDIS participants.
  • Our PEOPLE!